Annual meeting of the Board of the Vigdís International Centre


The annual meeting of the Vigdís International Centre for Multilingualism and Intercultural Understanding was held on 16 October 2020. Due to the unusual circumstances created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online.

Participants were Irmgarda Kasinskaite representing UNESCO, Sæunn Stefánsdóttir representing the Icelandic UNESCO-committee, Ásdís Rósa Magnúsdóttir the Chair of the Board of the Vigdís International Centre, board members Ann-Sofie Nielsen Gremaud, Geir Sigurðsson and Guðrún Kvaran, and Halldóra Jóhanna Þorláksdóttir PR Manager of the Centre. 

In the meeting, the annual report and the financial statement for the year were presented, and the activities of the Centre in 2019 were reviewed. The board also discussed the activities of the Centre in 2020 and the work plan of the coming year. 

Building on the legacy of the International Year of Indigenous Languages, the United Nations have declared an International Decade of Indigenous Languages commencing on 1 January 2022 (IDIL 2022–2032).  The Centre’s main agenda for the coming years will be projects related to IDIL 2022–2032, organized in collaboration with UNESCO.

Download the annual report for 2019 here