21. October 2023
11:15 til 12:15
Utan háskólasvæðis
Harpa, Silfurberg



Digital Environments and Indigenous Languages in the Arctic


Digital Environments and Indigenous Languages in the Arctic

21 October at 11:20 – 12:15

Session at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Harpa, organized by The Vigdís International Centre, The Arctic Athabaskan Council, The Inuit Circumpolar Council, and The Aleut International Association. Please note that the event is part of the conference and therefore only open to conference guests. 

The event is held within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.

Location: Silfurberg Hall, Harpa Second Level


Tove Søvndahl Gant, Head, Greenland Representation in Reykjavík, Government of Greenland; Member, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Melodie Siksik Lavallée, Inuktut Policy Advisor, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., Greenland; Member, Global Task Force: Arctic Region – Inuit Circumpolar Council Appointed Representative

Nadine Kochuten, Executive Secretary, Aleut International Association

Chief Bill Erasmus, Dene Nation Chief, Arctic Athabaskan Council

Moderator: Sofiya Zahova, Vigdís International Centre for Multilingualism and Intercultural Understanding, UNESCO C2C, University of Iceland; Member, Task Force of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages