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Routes and Pathways of Icelandic-Canadian Drama
On November 21, 2024, in Veröld ̶ House of Vigdísar, Auðarsal, Dr. Magnús Þór Þorbergsson, senior dramaturg at the Reykjavík City Theatre, delivers the Guttormur J. Guttormsson Lecture. All welcome!
In his lecture, Magnús will discuss various routes and pathways of dramatic writing among Icelandic settlers in North America – both those that crossed the Atlantic from Iceland as well as the ones written by the settlers. These routes and pathways shed a light on the multifaceted and vast network of the culture of Icelandic settlers that weaves through North America from the Great Lakes region to the Pacific coast.
- 15:00 — Dr. Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector and President of the University of Iceland.
- 15:05 — Jenny Hill, Canada‘s Ambassador to Iceland.
- 15:10 — Heather Alda Ireland, Guttormur‘s granddaughter and former Honorary Consul for Iceland in British Columbia and Yokoon.
- 15:20 — Dr. Magnús Þór Þorbergsson: “Routes and Pathways of Icelandic-Canadian Drama”.
- 16:10 — Light refreshments in Vigdísarstofa, Veröld.
- 17:00 — End of program.
MC: Dr. Birna Bjarnadóttir.